
Manufacturing case study: Automotive wheels OEM

Automotive OEM reduces scrap produced during its light-alloy wheel manufacturing process.


scrap reduction

times ROI over a 2-year period

The context

A world-leading manufacturer of high-quality, light-alloy wheels for premium vehicles engaged us to assist them in reducing their ‘hot’ (i.e., visual) scrap — from manual inspection just out of the casting furnace. 

Reducing it would mean significant savings from needless value-adding to a product that would later fail downstream inspection. The customer also set out to reduce X-ray scrap further down the line.

The results

Collaborating with the customer, we built a data collection system for high-resolution monitoring. This system contextualized process and quality data deemed to have the highest impact on scrap reduction. 

Dynamic prescriptions were generated for critical parameters. Adjustments to the control plan resulted in a 29% scrap reduction and a projected ROI of 10x over a 2-year period. The data discovery journey also added significant value, revealing critical areas for improvement. Enhanced data logging across the production line was one of several opportunities identified.

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